
  • BaSyC Kickstart 2019

    03 / 04 / 2019

    Especially the poster session, lab tours and the collaboration workshop were very much appreciated by the PhD’s and Postdocs. During the collaboration workshop they sat down together and discussed what they could mean for each other in terms of tools, knowledge and skills and after that they shared experiences ...

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  • Interview with Bert Poolman in the Volkskrant

    20 / 03 / 2019

    The Volkskrant published an interview with Bert Poolman. Fokke Obbema, journalist at The Volkskrant, interviewed biochemist Bert Poolman from the University of Groningen and BaSyC about living synthetic cells and the boundary between life and death. Read more (in Dutch)

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  • Gijsje Koenderink receives NWO Vici grant

    06 / 03 / 2019

    Gijsje Koenderink from AMOLF and BaSyC receives a 1,5 million NWO Vici grant to conduct research in the coming five years. Her research plan focusses on: ‘How cytoskeletal teamwork makes cells strong’. Vici is one of the largest grants for individuals in the Netherlands and targets advanced researchers. The funding enables ...

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