The BaSyC kickstart meeting on 19 and 20 March for new PhD’s and Postdocs turned out to be a valuable meeting. Approximately 25 PhD’s and Postdocs from BaSyC came together in Delft at the University of Technology for a science programme, workshops, dinner, lab tours, a poster session and a session about Ethics/Philosophy.
Radboud University, University of Groningen, VU Amsterdam, Wageningen University, AMOLF and TU Delft were represented in the BaSyC kickstart meeting. This lead to new encounters, discussions and possible future collaborations between these universities and institutes.
Especially the poster session, lab tours and the collaboration workshop were very much appreciated by the PhD’s and Postdocs. During the collaboration workshop they sat down together and discussed what they could mean for each other in terms of tools, knowledge and skills and after that they shared experiences and learned how others are dealing with comparable issues.
These PhD’s and Postdocs who are all working on ‘Building a Synthetic Cell’ will meet each other again on 15 April at the BaSyC Spring Meeting at AMOLF.