2021 Nano Research Award for Cees Dekker

Cees Dekker (TU Delft) has been awarded the 8th Nano Research Award ‘for significant contributions to nanoscience ranging from carbon nanotubes to nanobiology.’

The Nano Research Award, established by the journal Nano Research and sponsored by Tsinghua University Press (TUP) and Springer Nature is awarded for outstanding contributions to nano research by an individual scientist. The winner is selected by the Award Committee (the Editors-in-Chief, Associate Editors, representatives from TUP and Springer Nature) after receiving nominations from the members of the Nano Research Editorial Board.

Both winners, professor Cees Dekker and professor Zhongfan Liu are invited to give keynote speeches at the 2021 Sino-US Forum on Nanoscale Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China.

For more information about Cees Dekker: Cees Dekker Lab
For more information about the 2021 Nano Research Award: Nano Research website